EverWeb, The iWeb Replacement You’ve Been Waiting for is Here!


It’s finally here! EverWeb, the iWeb replacement app that has been in testing for a while now is finally available.

If you love iWeb, you’ll love EverWeb. It’s like iWeb on steroids. It features;

  • Built in search engine optimization features
  • Drop down menus
  • HTML5 Video
  • Drop down navigation menus
  • Slick image sliders
  • Cool mouse transitions
  • And much more…

We’ll write up a full review soon but for now, get your free trial copy to check it out.


  1. Glynis 18 November, 2013 at 05:19 Reply

    Hi there, absolutely delighted to see a replacement for the iWeb as it’s been a small business godsend with the availability of Paypal buttons. Can you please advise – if I download the Everweb free trial onto my laptop will it affect my iWeb business site built on the same laptop, I ask this as I have not yet updated to the latest Apple programmes as it’s possible it may remove my present iWeb business website. Have started building a WordPress website but it’s certainly not as easy as iWeb!

    • iJason 18 November, 2013 at 16:40 Reply

      It will not replace your iWeb site, you can use both apps to build your site. They won’t affect each other so there is nothing to worry about.

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