Shiny Buttons in iWeb


Here’s quick MicroTip on making shiny buttons. We’ve all seen it on other sites, buttons with that reflective shine to it.   Well this microtip will show you how to get a shiny button without using any fancy graphic program like photoshop or illustrator.  Just watch this and you’ll be making shiny buttons in no time. Enjoy!

(By the way there is no audio, just watch :-) )


  1. maryann byrd 20 January, 2011 at 07:52 Reply

    needs audio…my 13 inch screen…it looks so small can’t make out details… but understand to make a button and give it a silver shadow? I think that is what it is describing…

  2. Kazzi 8 June, 2011 at 18:50 Reply

    Great demo but sound really needed to fully understand what you’re doing. Please add audio if poss. Thanks

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