Video Tutorial – Comments in iWeb

Comments in iWeb

Are you hosting your iWeb site on your server? That means that you can’t use the built in comments feature in iWeb. It only works if you have a MobileMe membership. Well here comes iWebUnlimited to the rescue. Now you can get comments into iWeb no matter who your hosting your website with. Just follow the steps in this video and your set!

If your doing the iFrame way use this code below to create a blank HTML page:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<!-- Add Comment Code Here -->

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  1. Jeff 12 May, 2010 at 10:17 Reply

    is there a way to get email notifications when you have a comment? whether in mobileme or the other services you mentioned?

    • iWebUnlimited 12 May, 2010 at 14:03 Reply

      Jeff, Both Disqus and Intense Debate offer that as a feature. MobileMe however does not, but iWeb will have a little red tick on the icon showing all the new comments (similar to Mail).

  2. brendon 19 May, 2010 at 08:48 Reply

    hello, i paste and saved the Disqus code in .html via “text edit”. the issue is that when i uploaded to the server via cyber duck the universal code is not translated into the Disqus comment box. it works fine in the iweb snippet. any advice?


  3. Alex 24 May, 2010 at 03:35 Reply

    I see you are using something called transit to upload to your server, is there anything built into iweb for me to do that because otherwise there is no way to add the iframes one, it would be greatly appreciated thanks.

    • iWebUnlimited 16 September, 2010 at 19:07 Reply

      Alex, yes it is called Transmit. To do the iFrame method yes you’ll have to use an app that gives you FTP access. Transmit has a trial version that will work good enough for you to do what you need to do. Just get your .html page with your comment code on your server than iFrame it into iWeb.

  4. Erin 30 May, 2010 at 06:54 Reply


    A couple of questions. I’ve been trying to add a comments section via your tutorial, but I am having some issues. I publish my site through FTP, and don’t know where all my web files are saved. How do I access them through Finder?

    Also, I have a website with two different blogs currently running. If I want a comments section for each blog posting, does this mean that I have to do this for each blog entry I write?


    • iWebUnlimited 16 September, 2010 at 19:06 Reply

      Erin, if you are publishing via the FTP method in iWeb then you must use an FTP application to access those files. I recommend you head over to Panic Software’s website and download the App called Transmit. With that app you can access your FTP server and view all the files and do all the post publishing tips that I have on the site.

      If you want a different comment section for each blog post then yes you have to do this for each post. If you feel you are going to be blogging quite frequently then you may consider an alternative method. I recommend setting up a blog at,, or, then iFrame that blog into your iWeb site using Tip #2 iFrame tip. Then you just update that blog and it will show up on your iWebsite automatically and those blogging platforms already have commenting built in. The other option is to host your site on MobileMe in which comments are built into iWeb.

      Hope that helps

  5. Peter B 10 June, 2010 at 05:44 Reply

    Hello. I’ve tried to do the iFrame thing with both Disqus and Intensedebate, but I can’t get it to work. When i upload it to my server, it just shows the HTML code (try visiting Here is what I have uploaded. Can you tell me what I am doing wrong?


    var idcomments_acct = ‘d3d26a08718fad744227f4de42319bb9’;

    var idcomments_post_id;

    var idcomments_post_url;

    • iWebUnlimited 10 June, 2010 at 11:09 Reply

      Take a look at your source code. You have the HTML code used as just text rather than actual code. Cocoa HTML Writer doesn’t seem to be doing it for you, you need to actually use an HTML Editor, take a look at my video tutorial. Try just using TextEdit or Coda, but my video tutorial explains how to do it.

  6. johndoe 15 June, 2010 at 08:33 Reply

    Why is the style of the disqus comments all messed up. In the preview on the disqus site it uses nice fonts and when I integrate it in my page it uses Times New Roman or something similar.

    Do you know a way to fix this… ?
    Thanks in advance

  7. Kay 27 June, 2010 at 04:07 Reply

    Hi there,

    I have followed the steps in the tutorial and they are great and easy to follow. I am trying to do the comments the iFrame way. However, when I publish the blank page (using text edit) with the code that is provided above (I have included the Disqus code) and publish it on the server, I am only able to see the code on the website.

    As you mentioned I have saved it in html and also checked the box “Ignore rich text commands in HTML files”. But the website only displays the following:
    What do I need to do so the page would show the Disqus features and not the html text?

    Would you be able to help me?

    I appreciate your help!!!

    • iWebUnlimited 16 September, 2010 at 16:29 Reply

      Kay, i went to your link and it seems like it’s working. Now just use the iFrame code (Tip #2 on the tips blog) to get that into iWeb.

    • iWebUnlimited 16 September, 2010 at 16:27 Reply

      Wow, that’s really bad. Sorry about that, I hadn’t realized how zoomed in that got there. I’ll definitely fix that. The code I’m referring to is above, but I’ll fix the video and re-upload it. Sorry about that again.

  8. Rebecca 18 August, 2010 at 16:46 Reply

    I am using disqus, but was told by disqus that iWeb HTML Snippet or iFrame is the cause of a problem I am having with different browsers. When comments are posted in Safari they are not visible in FireFox or Google Chrome or IE and vice versa. Is there a way to change this so no matter what browser you post from all views are can the comments?

    • iWebUnlimited 4 January, 2011 at 13:28 Reply

      Yes you will need to create a new one for each post. You get pretty quick at doing it after a while, just duplicate your html page, setup your new comment in the comment provider page, and put in your new code in the duplicated html page, upload, change link in iWeb, and your set.

  9. Marc 7 November, 2010 at 16:39 Reply

    Hello, I don’t have a server nor do I use Transit but instead I work with Dropbox.
    Where exactly am I putting my files to make my comments box work?

    • iWebUnlimited 4 January, 2011 at 13:29 Reply

      Haven’t tried it before with Dropbox, but wherever the dropbox url is to point to your html files is where you want your link to go.

  10. Eric Tuell 15 November, 2010 at 10:25 Reply

    thanks so much for this, i had a lot of issues though with inensedebate. it wouldnt work with firefox a lot and when it did it showed only certain comments and when i went to safari it wouldnt show comments posted with firefox. I use disqus and am very happy with it, thanks again great video and very helpful site

    • iWebUnlimited 4 January, 2011 at 13:35 Reply

      Sure can, just go into your html page (that’s being iFramed in iWeb) and add the bgcolor code attribute to the body tag. So it would look like this:

      <body bgcolor="#E6E6FA">

  11. Vinny 10 December, 2010 at 00:59 Reply

    I like a post like this. I wonder why this good post very nice colors & theme. Did you create this website yourself or did you hire someone to do itvfor you? Please reply back as I am looking to createvmy own blog. I am sure to keep revisiting to read more.

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