Video Tutorial – Comments in iWeb

Are you hosting your iWeb site on your server? That means that you can’t use the built in comments feature in iWeb. It only works if you have a MobileMe membership. Well here comes iWebUnlimited to the rescue. Now you can get comments into iWeb no matter who your hosting your website with. Just follow the steps in this video and your set!
If your doing the iFrame way use this code below to create a blank HTML page:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""><html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en"><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /><title>Comments</title></head><body><!-- Add Comment Code Here --></body></html>
If you found this video helpful, please consider donating to the iWebUnlimited cause by clicking below.
where is the second iframe code?
found it
found it ….can you share where you “found it “Thanks…
Also where is the code that should show in “finder” to get it to the host? I assume this is he same page we are using the HTML snippet with “on” the page we want the comment to appears on
Sharon, it’s on a separate tip. Search for ‘Tip #2’ in the search bar at top left of this page.
Interesting topic. I’m sure I’ll be back ;)
I liked the article too… and here are my two cents…
I found this flexi comment thing and I think it is simply awesome.
I am proud of digging it out in the internet :P
try it and let me know:
Thanks for the info. When I upload my id_comments.html file via my ftp I end up with just the html code showing up on my website ( Do you know what I’m doing wrong?
superb nice info and goot article btw thanks
how come i get something different than you from disqus??
here’s what i have when i click to get universal code:
Embed code
This is the JavaScript embed code which loads and displays Disqus on your site, typically on the individual article or post pages.
Note: You must add your shortname to the configuration before pasting this into your webpage.
var disqus_shortname = ‘example’; // required: replace example with your forum shortname
// The following are highly recommended additional parameters. Remove the slashes in front to use.
// var disqus_identifier = ‘unique_dynamic_id_1234’;
// var disqus_url = ‘’;
(function() {
var dsq = document.createElement(‘script’); dsq.type = ‘text/javascript’; dsq.async = true;
dsq.src = ‘http://’ + disqus_shortname + ‘’;
(document.getElementsByTagName(‘head’)[0] || document.getElementsByTagName(‘body’)[0]).appendChild(dsq);
Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by Disqus.
blog comments powered by Disqus
Configuration variables
Within the above embed code, there are configuration variables which tell Disqus how the system should work and behave.
disqus_shortname tells Disqus which website account (called a forum on Disqus) this system belongs to.
disqus_identifier tells Disqus how to uniquely identify the current page.
disqus_url tells Disqus the location of the page for permalinking purposes.
There are many more configuration variables available, but these are the most important. To learn more about these and the other configuration variables, read JavaScript configuration variables.
in your video (with the first option i.e. no iFrame), you do not have to change the code. here it seems you have no choice. you know why ?
many thanks.
NB i just added a more detailed post on your forum
Hi, I seem to be having the same problems that Dan described – when I publish the html to my website, all I see is a copy of the code and not a functioning comments box. I’ve tried it with disqus ( and intense debate ( Please can you tell me what I’m doing wrong. Thanks. Dave
I am also having this problem. Does anyone know what is going wrong. I’ve done it over and over. Keep getting the html code only. The Disqus code works doing the direct method.
Hi, I have the same problem. Has anyone found the cause?
Two questions:
I have looked at this video tutorial and when you talk about the ‘comments’ folder and moving this (when you talk about the html snippet part about 8min 44 secs in ), I don’t have this folder within my site files. Where does this come from?
I have used a html snippet and Intense Debate, but my comments show for a while and then disappear. Any idea why?
Thanx for a great video. It did not take me long to implement intensedebate into my site, using iFames in iWeb, referring to my empty site, just keeping the intensedebate html code.
I hope you gues will keep on posting new tips & tricks. I have used iWeb for many years now, but I did not know about all your tweaks. Thanx for that.
Thomas from Denmark.
Couple of questions- I am assuming that I would need to place an iframe on each page that has a blog post correct?
Does anyone know if comments are readable by search engines. I see that disqus is javascript whch is not recognized by search. Would the comments end up as search readable text?
Thanks for the help!
Thanks a lot, for this article…
Your site is AWESOME! You’ve completely revolutionized my iWeb experience, everything I’ve ever wanted to do but thought I couldn’t… now I CAN! YES! You’re awesome, please keep up the good work I can’t tell you how much I, and probably thousands of entrepreneurs like me, appreciate what you do. You’re awesome! Did I say that yet? Thanks!
Thanks for this sharing
Thanks for this sharing, nevkarsan damper.
I am waiting for the same answer as Susan ….. I have two problems; not sure how to edit the code for my site as it is not copy and paste like the tutorial shows, ALso I need the comment box to in white as my page is black.
Anyone one heard of Flexi V3.0 for a comment box? Here is the code
Flexi Comment Box v3.1swfobject.registerObject(“myFlashContent”, “9.0.0”, “expressInstall.swf”);<!–To view the content please install the latest Adobe Flash Player from here:Embed BEST Free Comment Box Widget in your Website- Flexi Comment Box v3.1<!–
you should most probably try flexi comment box… I think this is one of the most elegant solutions out there!
I do think it would have been better if such a system be integrated to iweb but I would make do…
give it a try and maybe post back!
Wow! finally a great solution for the comment problem!
I think that the iWebUnlimited is a great idea ;)
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I have looked at this video tutorial and when you talk about the ‘comments’ folder and moving this (when you talk about the html snippet part about 8min 44 secs in ), I don’t have this folder within my site files. Where does this come from?
Thank you so much for that tutorial ! 20 minutes to explain what I was looking for since one week…
Thanks a lot !
My fake teeth just dropped in the kitchen sink because I laughed so hard while going over this article.
Awesome, thanks!
I feel I ought to inform you that internet webpage can be operating way-out in my word wide web.
Thanks for your tutorial. I’m using Disqus now. Awesome!
But I have a problem here. I have a few photo albums on my website, when I add the comment, it will show in every photo in the same album. How can I solve this?
Hi, How do I publish a blank text edit page on Iweb using FTP?
I figured it out. But now how do I make the comment box at the top so that it doesnt get pushed down to the bottom after someone leaves a comment?
Thanks for you help
the video say’s “sorry, we’re unable to play this episode.”