Adding E-Commerce to iWeb


Have you ever wanted to sell products on your website? Ever wonder how you can possibly collect money from people in the middle of the night while you are sleeping? Think it can’t be done with iWeb? Think again!

Adding e-commerce to an iWeb website does not have to be a tricky thing. Using PayPal gives your website visitors a familiar method for payment, while offering you an easy way to integrate e-commerce into your iWeb website. The video tutorial below will walk you through the necessary steps needed to add e-commerce to an iWeb website. It’s easy to do and can be done by anyone!


    • Jeremy 9 December, 2011 at 15:12 Reply

      This is the best method for doing that. I haven’t come across anything else that is as simple to use with iWeb as PayPal is.

  1. James 15 January, 2012 at 12:58 Reply

    Hi, Im currently running an ecommerce site through iWeb which is working fine. I have a problem though with updating the site. When I do an update sometimes images come up stretched. Im not sure why?

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