The Importance Of Staying In Touch With Your Website Visitors


Having a website doesn’t mean your responsibilities end with creating a nice site that is easy for users to navigate through, and hopefully purchase something, or call you to buy your products or services. A majority of the time, users coming to your site will not buy something, or will not make that phone call. But some users might like what they see and are curious to learn more in the future. Keeping these users close by is important and could eventually lead to that sale. Colllecting those user’s e-mail addresses is almost as important as collecting their money.

So for iWeb users, what is an easy way for you to do this? MailShoot, a mailing list manager by RAGE Software makes it really easy for iWeb users to collect e-mail addresses from their website visitors. In MailShoot, you can send out e-mails to your entire mailing list, or certain segments of your list. RAGE Software just released an update to MailShoot recently and the user interface has become very easy to work with.

Watch this video tutorial to see how to add the signup form to your site in iWeb.

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